

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 星期一至四上午八时至下午四时三十分,星期五上午八时至下午十二时


Following is a list of apps and software designed to assist students in being successful. Please note that there are a number of other apps and software available for use not included in this list. 学生无障碍服务 recommends researching and trying multiple apps to determine which ones best suit your needs.


  • Freedom 有助于阻止各种设备的干扰.


  • 唤醒和震动 ($0.99)是iOS app that requires vigorous shaking to turn it off, which definitely helps wake you up!


  • Mindshift 是一款应用(iOS & Android),旨在帮助人们应对焦虑. 它可以帮助你改变对焦虑的看法. 与其试图避免焦虑,不如做出重大转变,直面焦虑.


  • 可预测的 文本到语音的应用程序是从用户的使用模式中学习的吗, 预测接下来要输入的内容并将其转换为语音.
  • 这款 is an app that allows the individual to construct and speak sentences by tapping on symbols or by typing words.



  • 专注门将 ($0.99)是iOS & Android app designed to track and increase productivity by splitting work into 25-minute increments, 五分钟的短暂休息, 以及25分钟的休息时间(基于番茄工作法).)
  • Focus To-Do is an iOS & Android应用程序,结合番茄时钟与任务管理.  用户可以在待办事项列表中组织任务, 启动焦点计时器, 为重要任务设置提醒,并检查工作时间.
  • Forest (iOS, Android) is an app that utilizes the Pomodoro technique of splitting work into 25-minute increments with 五分钟的短暂休息.  The idea is that every task is represented in the app by a tree so that s you work on your task the tree grows; however, 如果你放弃你的任务, 树死了.  So, the user’s goal is to grow a forest by constantly adding tasks and growing them.


  • Ava is an app that provides instant captions for any conversation or meeting whether it is in person or online. 
  • 活的标题 ($2.99美元/月)是一个实时语音到文本的应用程序,用于现场对话.
  • is an app as well as a web-based application used to record and transcribe conversations or presentations.
  • Petralex is a free iOS and Android app designed to help people who may struggle to hear properly, 尤其是在社交场合.  它就像一个个人听力放大器.


  • AlgebraTouch (3.99 iOS) will refresh your algebra skills using touch-based techniques built from the ground up for your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
  • EquatIO 帮助学生更轻松地写出数学表达式, 不用陷在括号和平方根里.
    • Dictate, type, or hand write math equations to have them automatically uploaded to a Google Doc or other document
    • 该软件能理解打字或手写的内容, 然后把这些表达变得清晰, 精确的屏幕公式
  • ModMath is a free iPad app designed to help individuals with dyslexia and dysgraphia do math.


  • MindNode (iOS) is a visual brainstorming app that lets you capture, organize, style, and share your thoughts.
  • Mindomo 思维导图软件允许学生创建协作概念图吗, outlines, 以及简化项目计划的图表.
    • 进度从大纲到图形思维导图与一键, simplifying the outlining process for students who struggle to organize and rearrange their ideas
    • 学生可以在他们的思维导图中嵌入视频和图形
    • 包括不同类型的写作模板,如有说服力的文章
  • SimpleMind (iOS & Android) is a mind-mapping app with a free version as well as a pro version that costs $7.99.


  • Glean allows students to audio record class lectures while also allowing the student to highlight important parts and add typed notes.  This is a free-service to 靠谱买球app推荐 students provided through 学生无障碍服务.  Please email 学生无障碍服务 to begin the process of accessing this resource.
  • GoodNotes (iOS, $7.99)让你做笔记和注释PDF文件. 多亏了iCloud,它们会自动同步到你所有的iOS设备上.
  • MarginNote iOS应用程序是为书籍注释设计的吗, 思维导图, 抽认卡和更多的用来建立你的阅读笔记.
  • Notability ($8.99)是一个iOS应用程序,旨在帮助记笔记. 它集成了手写, PDF格式的注释, typing, recording and organizing to take notes your way then syncs with Dropbox or Google Drive Sync.
  • OneNote 一个应用程序是为了帮助记笔记而设计的吗.  It allows you to write, type, or annotate, import documents, and link audio recordings to your notes.
  • is an app as well as a web-based application used to record and transcribe conversations or presentations.  用户还可以实时获得丰富的流媒体成绩单, 可搜索的笔记与文本, audio, and images.


  • 30/30 is an Android app designed to decrease procrastination by timing work and rest sessions in 30-minute intervals.
  • Corkulous is an iOS app that allows the user to place notes, labels, photos, contacts, shapes, tasks, etc. 在虚拟的软木板上.
  • iHomework2 (iOS) is an app that allows the user to organize and view assignments as well as estimate how difficult a task will be to complete.
  • 作业程序 (iOS) for iPhones is a customizable app that allows the user to create courses and track assignments.
  • 我的家庭作业学生计划 (iOS & Android)是一款跟踪任务的应用程序, projects, and tests, 跟踪类, 接收到期日提醒, 它可以在不同设备之间同步.


  • Access Now allows the user to search for accessible places in the community based on specific accessibility features like finding restaurants that are wheelchair accessible.
  • TextGrabber provides accurate text recognition from printed sources or images that allows the user to edit, 搜索并共享信息.
  • WordBank普遍 (3.99/mo) is a Chrome Add On that allows students to draw from and create relevant word banks to aid in vocabulary development, 拼写的支持, 描述一篇文章或其他写作样本时的发音.
    • 基于主题的词库可能会在阅读时覆盖网站
    • 学生可以在现有的500多万个词汇库中搜索词汇灵感
    • 文本到语音的功能大声朗读,以服务听觉学习者


  • GoodReader 是一款适用于iOS设备的强大的PDF阅读器应用.  您可以阅读,注释,编辑和签署PDF文件.
  • PDFescape 是否有一个修改工作表以支持学习需要的工具. 免费版允许您添加文本或自由的手, 涂掉你不想要的文字, 突出关键字, 信号词, vocabulary, etc.,并添加便利贴.
  • Smallpdf 是一种资源,允许您在文档和PDF之间进行转换. 它还有其他几个工具, 例如能够向文档添加签名和编辑PDF文件.


  • 海豚EasyReader (iOS & Android)专为有阅读障碍、视力低下和失明的读者设计.  用户可以浏览和下载无障碍的书籍和报纸, 在纯文字标题中添加人声, 调整颜色, 文本大小和高亮和复制文本从任何地方在您的手机和听到它的阅读.
  • Howsjay ($2.发音词典, 适用于iOS和Android, encourages students to recognize how words are pronounced by listening to them repeatedly.
  • ReaderQ is a Chrome Add On that eliminates distractions when reading web pages and help readers get to the main point of what they’re reading.
    • Adjust the text display to show highlighting and varied text sizes, as well as annotations
    • 选择并保存关键字和短语. A limit is placed on how much is selected to make sure only relevant points are saved


  • 龙在任何地方 允许用户口述任意长度的文档, 直接从iOS或Android智能手机或平板电脑编辑和格式化它们.
  • Voice Dream Writer (iOS, $5.99)帮助每个人写得更好:文本到语音的校对减少了错误, 语音和意义搜索帮助你使用正确的单词, 一个积极的提纲可以帮助你组织和改进你的写作结构.


  • Kurzweil3000 is a web-based reader, web extension, and downloadable software for turning text into speech.  This is a free-service to 靠谱买球app推荐 students provided through 学生无障碍服务.  Please email 学生无障碍服务 to begin the process of accessing this resource.
  • 语音解梦器 ($9.99)是一款iOS应用程序,用于从网页、pdf和其他文档中大声朗读文本.    


  • Dictate2us (d2u) allows you to create and edit a digital recording then transcribe to a digital file.  转录是有成本的.
  • is an app as well as a web-based application used to record and transcribe conversations or presentations.


  • Be My Eyes is an iOS and Android app that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers through live video calls.  志愿者在指导下协助解决问题.
  • SeeingAI is a mobile tool (a talking camera) designed for the low-vision community that also helps students who struggle with reading, writing, 运动技能.
    • Point your phone at text — handwritten or typed — and Seeing AI will read those words out loud
    • 这款应用可以识别你周围的朋友和人,以及他们的情绪
  • 监督+放大镜 is a free iOS and Android app that uses the smartphone camera to zoom-in on printed books, documents, or images.


  • Typ-O 是否有一款应用程序可以帮助有阅读障碍的人在写作时避免拼写错误.
  • Inku 有一款iOS应用可以帮助有阅读障碍的人写笔记吗.
  • Ghotit Buzz Writer is an iOS app designed to help those with dyslexia and dysgraphia write, read, and correct texts.  Ghotit提供拼写更正, grammar, 标点错误以及快速拼写单词预测. 
  • 语法键盘 帮助您轻松键入任何应用程序,正确的语法和标点符号.



靠谱买球app推荐中心 208

靠谱买球app推荐利用 Relay Iowa, a telecommunications service providing full telephone accessibility to people who are deaf, 听力困难, 和/或语言障碍.

正常工作时间- 2024年夏季

2024年5月13日- 7月26日
星期一至星期四 上午8时至下午4时30分
Friday 上午8时至下午12时

正常工作时间- 2024年秋季

2024年7月29日- 12月20日
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分

如果校园关闭,学生无障碍服务办公室也会关闭. 这包括与天气有关的关闭. 参见预定的大学关闭.
